Comori din arhive

Istoria interpretată

Trecutul este o sursă nesfârșită de inspirație. La Sandberg Wallpaper, ne trezim adesea stând în arhive, uimiți de comori vechi și rafinate. Felul în care am trăit, iubit și creat odinioară înfățișează o asemenea frumusețe. Interioarele și modelele inspirate de istorie sunt adesea atemporale și clasice. Ne place să creăm cu delicatețe interpretări contemporane ale istoriei care se potrivesc casei moderne.

This interior design style finds its roots in history and gently mixes and matches cherished items from the present and past. The result is often a welcoming and embracing home.

Choose your favorite gems and incorporate them into your interior. Furniture and accessories from auctions and flea markets, together with wildflower arrangements, are extra lovely in this style. The style History Interpreted can be rustic and contemporary, suiting modern and turn-of-century homes.

"Many shift from design that's solely modern and sleek. We seek comforting and cozy places to snuggle up with loved ones. A place to call home."

Wallpaper inspiration

We find many of our most popular wallpapers among the ones with a classic touch or inspired by history. Motifs from nature are common as small patterns, suitable to use as a base or in large airy, dreamy designs. The colors range from pleasant base colors such as soft beige and grey to soft greens and blues complemented by dusty pinks or reds. 

Style characteristics: Furniture from auctions and flea markets, art, wildflowers.

Style ambassadors:

Wallpaper matches for your home

Some of our most cherished designs and pattern combinations within this style.